Roanoke back pain

How Chiropractic Care Provides Relief from Spinal Disc Issues

Spinal discs are the sponge-like cushions between your vertebrae. These tiny pads are extremely important to our everyday life because…

6 years ago

Protect Your Back While Spring Cleaning

Did you know the spring season will officially begin on March 20th? After the cold winter months, warmer temperatures and…

6 years ago

Spotting the Signs of Degenerative Disc Disease

The human spine contains 23 spinal discs. These ligaments provide cushioning for the spine’s boney vertebrae and keep the back…

6 years ago

Could you have a pinched nerve?

Your body contains billions of nerve cells, called neurons. They’re constantly sending messages to your brain through electrical signals carried…

6 years ago

Is Your Back Pain Caused by a Bulging Disc?

If you have recurring back pain or sciatic nerve pain, you may have a bulging disc. Sometimes referred to as…

8 years ago

What is Chiropractic Care?

If you have a pain problem, you may have had a friend recommend a chiropractor to help you seek relief.…

8 years ago

Alternative Therapies for Back Pain: A Step Beyond Mainstream Medicine

Learn More About Alternative Therapies for Roanoke Back Pain Dr. Cody Doyle meets a lot of patients who have turned…

8 years ago