If you are experiencing back, neck or shoulder pain, schedule a consultation with Dr. Doyle. At Doyle Chiropractic and Acupuncture, we offer a range of treatments that can help alleviate painful symptoms naturally. Call our Roanoke office at 817-767-5430 and take the first step in reducing back pain today!
As you age, it’s normal for cushiony, water-filled spinal discs to begin drying out and flattening. This means less shock absorption between each of your vertebrae. Sometimes, the outer wall of a spinal disc can crack, causing a herniated disc. Other times, a spinal disc will shift out of place. All these problems can cause degenerative disc disease symptoms. While age is usually the top cause for degenerative disc disease, other causes can include obesity, lack of exercise, injury, or repetitive physical activity.
Several symptoms can alert you to whether your back pain could be associated with degenerative disc disease:
When seated, spinal discs in the lower back have up to three times more pressure on them than when standing. With degenerative disc disease, back pain is usually alleviated or reduced when walking or moving positions, because of the immediate pressure release that happens when a patient stands.
Your spinal discs are layered between bony vertebrae, so when you twist or bend, damaged discs cannot absorb the shock or pressure from vertebrae as effectively. Lifting heavy objects puts additional strain on your back muscles and spine, and can pinch vertebrae closer together.
Degenerative disc disease is characterized by waves of pain. The pain period may last days or weeks, and can vary in intensity throughout.
The lower spine becomes compacted with long periods of sitting, and usually endures the most amount of pressure during day-to-day activities. However, pain can be located in the neck, depending where the problem disc is located. In that case, pain or numbness will radiate to shoulders and arms.
Sensations of tingling or numb arms or legs, or a feeling of weakness in the area around the spine are symptoms of a pinched nerve. Pinched nerves can occur when herniated or out of place discs put pressure on surrounding nerves.
Dr. Doyle can help relieve many of the symptoms associated with degenerative disc disease. He can determine whether your symptoms are coming from aging, herniated, or shifted discs that are blocking the spine’s natural mechanics or pressing on spinal nerves. Dr. Doyle will examine your range of motion, noting when movements are uncomfortable, and examine for evidence of inflammation or injury. If degenerative disc disease is causing your pain, Dr. Doyle could use a combination of treatments, including chiropractic adjustments or myofascial release therapy to align your spine and increase circulation to help reduce painful symptoms.
Don’t settle for back pain becoming a normal part of your life. Call Doyle Chiropractic and Acupuncture in Roanoke, TX and let us help you start feeling better in just one office visit! Call us at 817-767-5430.
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