For years, chiropractors have known the benefits of holistic medicine in helping patients find relief from pain. But today, more and more conventional medical experts are turning to complementary therapies to build a more comprehensive pain management plan for patients dealing with chronic pain. The timing couldn’t be better; chronic pain is becoming an epidemic that more needs innovative solutions. Back in 2012, a survey led by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) discovered that nearly 26 million U.S. adults — or 11.2 percent — had been in pain every day for the preceding three months, and nearly 40 million experienced severe pain — and those numbers are estimated to have grown substantially since then.Read More >
Try Chiropractic Care Before Spinal Injections
Back pain can be debilitating. When discomfort begins to interfere with your quality of life, it’s time to consider your treatment options. Spinal injections are one of the most common solutions for chronic back pain. Unfortunately, they only mask the problem, and do not address the root cause of discomfort. Here, Dr. Cody Doyle – your chiropractor in Roanoke, TX – explains why we recommend trying chiropractic care before receiving spinal injections.Read More >
How does acupuncture work?
Instead of a long diatribe on the scientific evidence and impressive statistics on acupuncture, I want to talk about acupuncture as a patient. I’ve been Dr. Doyle’s patient for a few years, and through him, a combination of acupuncture and chiropractic care has alleviated pain, triggered healing in my digestive system, and helped me manage systemic inflammation. I’d like to share a typical acupuncture appointment with you.Read More >
20% of Americans Suffer from Chronic Pain – It’s Time to Find Relief
People who feel good take a lot for granted. Approximately 50 million US adults experience chronic pain, which is pain that lasts more than three months. The pain can be nagging, mild, or more severe. In 2016, a report by the National Health Institute found that 20% of chronic pain patients endure high impact chronic pain (HICP). With HICP, a person cannot perform daily activities without experiencing pain, so quality of life is significantly impaired.
The National Institute of Health estimates that 83% of HICP patients cannot work, and they have much higher health costs than the average person. On medical care, programs, and lost production, about $560 billion is lost annually in our country because of chronic pain.
For people with HICP, simple activities, like doing the laundry, shopping at the mall, gardening, cooking, or even going out to eat may be painful. This same population is prone to a higher incidence of anxiety, depression, cognitive challenges, and fatigue.
Who wants to go shopping when you’re depressed, foggy-headed, tired, and hurting?
Treatment Options for Chronic Pain
Chronic pain can be related to an injury, a health condition, or an unknown source. Treatment may include any combination of the following.
- Taking pressure off damaged joints, including those of the spine, can help reduce pain in some situations. Pressure reduction can include weight loss and/or lightened activity.
- Exercise can strengthen muscles and release positive hormones that help us feel better. Regular exercise for at least 30 minutes, 3-7 times per week is the best practice. For low impact, try water aerobics, yoga, or Tai Chi.
- A doctor may suggest over-the-counter analgesics like aspirin or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like naproxen, acetaminophen, ibuprofen. Using NSAIDs long-term can create complications in the digestive system, as well as kidney and heart problems.
- Heat and cold therapy are effective for some patients.
- Medications known as topical analgesics, including brands such as Aspercreme, Tiger Balm, and Icy Hot, can provide temporary relief in the area of pain, for some patients.
- A personal TENS unit, properly used, may temporarily reduce or alleviate pain.
- For the spine, traction may help reduce pain. Some chiropractors and physicians offer this treatment in- office.
- Physical therapy remains an extremely common recommendation by doctors for patients with chronic pain. Improving range of motion and strengthening the core will redistribute some of the weight put on the spine. A PT may also recommend stretching exercises to practice at home, ice and heat therapy, or massage.
- If these treatments are not effective, a pain management doctor may prescribe a narcotic, such an opioid, for short-term use. These include hydrocodone, codeine, oxycodone, and morphine. They are highly addictive and tolerance can build up, making the patient require a higher dosage to maintain similar results. Opioid addiction is a serious problem in the United States, so consider alternatives if possible.
- The doctor may add an anticonvulsant, like gabapentin, to your medications to treat radicular pain.
- Antidepressants like serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors can help relieve some cases of chronic pain in the back.
- A muscle relaxant can resolve muscle spasms related to an area of pain, such as muscles that surround a degenerative disc.
- Steroid injections are often suggested, orally for 7-10 days or by injection at the site of the pain source. These offer temporary relief, ranging from weeks to months, depending upon the patient.
- Acupuncture targets meridians in the body, found along the nerve pathways. The practice is usually comfortable, and it stimulates blood flow while also signaling the release of endorphins.
- Chiropractic therapy involves skeletal manipulation to bring balance back to the underlying support of the body. Oftentimes, a chiropractor can effectively relieve a patient’s pain, without using narcotics.
Non-Invasive, Effective HICP Treatment with Chiropractic Acupuncture
At Doyle Chiropractic and Acupuncture in Roanoke, near Trophy Club and Justin, Dr. Cody Doyle is a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine. He’s also a certified acupuncturist. Throughout his career, Dr. Doyle has researched treatments for chronic pain. He offers treatment in the evolving field of chiropractic acupuncture. In some cases, acupuncture with chiropractic and herbal medicine yield outstanding results for chronic pain. Other patients respond best to chiropractic spinal manipulation and a regimen of home exercises.
Some patients use traditional medicine while undergoing treatment with Dr. Doyle, in an effort to find an alternative treatment that will not involve medications. Because all medications have side effects, and some build up in the body to cause issues over time, seeking alternative treatment for chronic pain is wise and practical.
“My pain management doctor recommended spinal and AI joint injections for my leg pain. Before undergoing the procedure, and because I knew that any relief the cortisone provided would be short-lived, I opted to visit Dr. Doyle. He has my chiropractor and acupuncturist for a few years, for other issues. This is hard to believe, but In one visit – just one visit! – my leg pain was relieved. Praise God and thanks to Dr. Doyle. I literally hobbled into the office in pain and walked out, after chiropractic and acupuncture appointment.”
– Shauna Duty, Roanoke, Tx
Your insurance company may reimburse for part or all of your chiropractic and acupuncture treatment at Doyle Chiropractic and Acupuncture. However, Dr. Doyle keeps his fees affordable so that pain management care is accessible. If you suffer from daily pain, call 817-767-5430 or email us today for a consultation.
Put a Name to Your Head Pain: 4 Common Types of Headaches
Oh, the dreaded headache: this annoying and sometimes debilitating condition can mean lost productivity, irritability, and a host of other side effects in addition to head pain. “Headache” is a catch-all term, since you’ve probably had lots of different types of headaches, each feeling a little different, or coming on at different times, for different reasons. Today, we’re exploring the four most common types of Roanoke, TX headaches, and how chiropractic care and alternative therapy from Dr. Cody Doyle can help chronic headache sufferers.
If you experience frequent headaches that cause you to put your daily life on hold, know that chiropractic care can help alleviate many underlying causes of headaches. Dr. Cody Doyle provides a drug-free, nonsurgical approach to achieving total wellness for Roanoke, TX patients who suffer from headaches and other conditions. To discover the benefits of chiropractic care, contact our office today at 817-767-5430.
Tension Headaches
More than likely, you’ve experienced a tension headache at least once; it’s the most common headache complaint for American adults. While the side effects generally do not prevent you from completing normal daily activities, symptoms can still be painful and annoying. Many patients report feeling a dull ache on one or both sides of the head and/or behind the eyes. Sometimes, tension headaches are described as a band around the head which tightens or pulses with pain. These headaches’ lifespans vary greatly: they usually last anywhere from a few minutes to even several days. Common triggers include:
- Hunger
- Lack of sleep
- Poor posture
- Stress
- Injury or misalignment in the neck, back, or shoulders
Cluster Headaches
As the name implies, this headache occurs with short episodes of pain, usually on just one side of the head. Unusually, it can be followed by allergy or cold symptoms like watery eyes, runny nose, or congestion in the sinuses. Cluster headaches often are as painful as migraines, but do not last as long. Usually, sufferers go long periods of time before experiencing these headaches. Doctors aren’t sure exactly what causes cluster headaches, but one theory suggests that abnormalities with the body’s hypothalamus (or the “biological clock”) could be to blame.
Sinus Headaches
Sinus pressure, as the result of a cold or allergies, can lead to an increase in pressure throughout the face and head. This pressure is accompanied by facial swelling, runny nose, and congestion, and pain is usually localized around the sinuses and eye area. Depending on the severity of the cold, sinus infection, or allergies, symptoms can for days or weeks.
Migraine Headaches
If you suffer from migraines, or know someone who does, you know that these types of headaches can be extremely debilitating, causing a host of secondary side effects in addition to head pain. These can include nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and noise. Sometimes, patients experience flashes of light in the peripheral vision (called an ocular migraine) before a migraine sets in. Migraines are well known for occurring frequently, usually multiple times a month. Triggers are different for each patient, but can include:
- Lack of sleep
- Stress
- Poor nutrition
- Hormone imbalance
- Environmental factors, such as lighting, strong smells, or sounds
Chiropractic Care for Headaches in Roanoke, TX
Dr. Doyle offers holistic health treatments to treat underlying biological issues that can contribute to headaches. As vertebrae shift out of place, it can tighten surrounding muscles and affect the blood flow in the major arteries of the neck. When these major arteries are restricted, it inhibits continuous blood flow from the spinal cord to the brain, resulting in chronic or acute headaches. Therefore, regular chiropractic adjustments and alternative therapies such as acupuncture can help to maintain even oxygen flow and relieve tension. In addition, Dr. Doyle may offer tips for improving posture, managing stress, and other ways to reduce your headaches.
Ready to schedule your appointment? Contact us today! We look forward to seeing you soon.
Protect Your Back While Spring Cleaning
Did you know the spring season will officially begin on March 20th? After the cold winter months, warmer temperatures and a little sunshine can leave us itching to clean out dusty garages or organize an overcrowded coat closet. However, if you suffer from chronic lower back pain, or have injured your back recently, protecting your spine while spring cleaning could prevent muscle pain, stiffness, and fatigue. A visit to Roanoke, TX local chiro, Dr. Cody Doyle, can help you experience improved alignment and better circulation to reduce painful or debilitating symptoms. This spring, take care of yourself — and your spine —by keeping in mind these tips as you prepare your home for warmer months.
Does your back feel stiff, sore, or painful? Do you regularly apply heating pads and muscle ointment to help find relief? If you are experiencing uncomfortable symptoms in the back or shoulders, visit Dr. Cody Doyle. As a Roanoke, TX, local chiro, Dr. Doyle can help promote healing through alternative therapies such as chiropractic adjustments or myofascial release therapy. Don’t let back problems keep you immobile this spring. Contact our office now to schedule your appointment with Dr. Doyle.
Prepare with a quick warm-up.
It may seem silly to “warm-up” for household chores, but some cleaning and organizing tasks end up being rather strenuous. It’s always a good idea to prepare your muscles for activity by gently warming them up and opening up their range of motion. A few quick dynamic stretches can get your blood flowing and help prevent sore muscles the next day. Here are a few examples to get you started.
Always lift with the legs.
If you are carrying heavy boxes or loads of laundry, don’t bend at the waist to lift them off the ground. Always bend down at the knees into a squatting position when lifting. If it’s too heavy to comfortably carry, have your spouse or neighbor help out; carrying more than you can handle elevates your risk of injuring your back.
Don’t twist and turn.
For some home projects, such as replacing a hard-to-reach lightbulb, you may find yourself twisting or contorting to try and complete the task. However, whenever possible, avoid over-twisting or turning to the point that your spine is out of natural alignment. Overstretching the spine could result in a slipped disc which can lead to painful pinched nerves. Also, when your body isn’t able to balance, the chance for a fall or other injury increases. And home injuries are no joke; about 21 million Americans last year ended up at the hospital due to at-home injuries.
Consider a back brace.
At your next appointment with Dr. Doyle, ask about whether a supportive back brace is right for you. Different types of braces can help support different areas of the back, or help patients with certain chronic pain issues. Wearing a back brace while working around the home may offer the extra support you need to prevent spinal misalignment or inflammation.
See your Roanoke, TX local chiro.
If you have chronic or new back pain, it’s important to treat the underlying complications which could be contributing to your symptoms. Dr. Doyle offers a range of holistic treatments that work with your body’s natural ability to heal. He can help increase circulation and reduce areas of tension or inflammation. Regular appointments with Dr. Doyle can proactively help reduce back pain.
If you are interested in chiropractic therapy, or any of our other holistic treatments, please contact our Roanoke, TX practice today. We look forward to meeting with you soon!
Shedding Some Light on Popular Acupuncture Myths
Acupuncture has its roots in early Chinese medicine (some scholars believe it began as far back as 480 B.C). Throughout acupuncture’s long history, and as Western culture began adopting this complementary therapy, certain myths began circulating. You’ve probably heard of, or even believe, a few of these myths! But myths about this treatment can discourage some Argyle, TX, patients who may truly benefit from this therapy’s pain management benefits. Today, we’re busting a few of the most popular myths about acupuncture and its effects. Read on to learn more!
Dr. Cody Doyle offers acupuncture therapy as part of his holistic approach to alternative medicine. Recently, more and more research is showing acupuncture’s effects in treating inflammation, chronic and acute pain, and other musculoskeletal issues. If you are interested in acupuncture treatment, it’s important to see a trained and experienced practitioner like Dr. Cody Doyle. Call our practice now to schedule an appointment and see for yourself the truth about acupuncture.
Acupuncture hurts.
Many people have a fear of needles, and acupuncture’s use of needles may prompt a fear that the therapy is painful or invasive. However, the needles used during acupuncture therapy are extremely thin—usually just slightly thicker than a human hair. Most patients experience a mild “aching” sensation during treatment, or sometimes a slight “shock” feeling. Dr. Doyle may slightly manipulate the needles during treatment to increase their stimulation effects, but once the needles are removed, many patients experience a feeling of relaxation and pain relief, though other patients with more intense pain may require additional treatments for full pain relief benefits. It’s not uncommon for some patients to even fall asleep during treatment, because the process can be a very relaxing and calming experience.
Acupuncture is outdated.
While acupuncture has ancient roots, it is more and more being research and studied as a modern solution for different painful side effects and symptoms of medical conditions like cancer, arthritis, TMJ disorders, digestive disorders, and more. A 2012 study of over 18,000 participants found that acupuncture was effective in offering pain relief for chronic pain sufferers. The National Institutes of Health also reports that while the positive effects of acupuncture have been verified, the depth of understanding in regards to acupuncture is only just beginning. More research could help us understand the full power of this alternative therapy.
Acupuncture offers a placebo effect.
The ancient practice of acupuncture started to help the body regulate its flow of energy, referred to in Chinese medicine as qi. Today, that idea still guides many practitioners of acupuncture, though we now can explain the effects of acupuncture in more modern terminology.
It’s thought that the reason acupuncture is effective for pain relief is because it stimulates nerves throughout the body. The nerves then trigger a response for the brain to release hormones such as beta-endorphins, which can increase the body’s pain threshold.
Another theory that researchers are studying is acupuncture’s ability to help stimulate nerve re-growth and repair in painful areas of the body. The stimulation of acupuncture therapy helps nerve endings to regenerate and reduces their sensitivity to pain.
As linked above, the study of acupuncture has proven its ability to effectively reduce painful symptoms for patients, but the understanding as to why this occurs is still under much research.
Acupuncture near Argyle, TX
If you are experiencing painful symptoms, or are ready to supplement your medical treatments with holistic therapy, contact our Argyle-area practice. Our therapies better align and stimulate your body’s natural structure and functions so that it can heal itself from the inside out. If you are interested in learning more about our approach to alternative medicine, call us today at 817-767-5430.
Degenerative Disk Disease–Can a Chiropractor Help?
You awaken with a slight backache that is unresponsive to medications, heating pads, Epsom salt baths, or other remedies. You have run out of options and have decided that the problem may be bigger than you thought.
Knowing you have degenerative disc disease, you scour the internet for help. Surprisingly, you find out many people with your symptoms get help from a chiropractor.
Today, Dr. Cody Doyle explores several aspects of this painful condition. We will also discuss how we can help reduce or eliminate your symptoms at our Roanoke, TX practice.
What is Degenerative Disk Disease?
Degenerative disk disease (DDD) involves damage to the spinal discs between the vertebrae, which results in pain. The pain usually occurs in the cervical spine, lumbar spine, or mid-back, and may radiate down the arms or legs.
Consider thinking of your spinal disks like the shock absorbers on a car. Your spinal disks have the job of buffering any impact your body may encounter. With repeated impacts, the disks get less effective at absorbing the shocks.
Eventually, those disks may not work well in absorbing the impacts your body encounters. Over time, this wear and tear causes more damage, leading to DDD.
What Are the Causes and Effects of Disk Disease?
The causes and effects of disc degeneration are intertwined into the aging process and can become a long term issue.
As your body matures, your structure changes, including bones, joints, and disks. You may begin to develop pain in areas that were once pain-free.
DDD begins with your intervertebral discs changing, which also affects your mobility. You may also notice differences in your spine and joints.
Things you used to do easily now leave you with pain because of your damaged discs. Sometimes, it can progress to a herniated disc.
Several factors can cause your disks to deteriorate. Some of the most common include:
- Condition of the disc: As we age, our disks lose water, causing them to dry out and shrink. Therefore, they cannot absorb the shocks that occur with impacts on our bodies as well as they used to.
- Your daily activity level: Exercise, sports, and other physical activities may exacerbate any symptoms.
- Accidents and injuries: Trauma can cause pain, weakness, and swelling. You may even notice “pops and cracks” down your spine when you get out of bed and as you attempt to walk or bend over.
What are the Symptoms?
DDD has an array of symptoms with some of the most common being:
- Numbness and “tingling” sensations in your limbs
- Tolerable pain that escalates into unbearable agony
- Pain that worsens when you bend over, walk, sit, or even standstill
- Pain that reaches down to your lumbar spine, buttocks, and thighs
- “Shooting” pain or pain that spikes without warning
What Does A Diagnosis of Disk Disease Include?
A diagnosis of DDD may include:
- A thorough examination of your back and body, including X-rays and other digital imaging
- A review of your medical history
- Description of the symptoms you are having
How Can Doyle Chiropractic & Acupuncture Help Me?
At Doyle Chiropractic & Acupuncture, we understand that pain is uncomfortable, debilitating, and for many, depressing. Waking up every day to lower back pain, or “tingling” sensations in the arms and legs is not productive.
Our caring team provides comprehensive care to address your symptoms.
Dr. Cody Doyle has over two decades of experience in treating pain with numerous alternative medicine options. He has the knowledge, experience, and compassion you are looking for. We can provide you with an effective treatment plan that is customized for you and your unique needs.
Dr. Doyle’s back and neck pain treatments consist of:
- Chiropractic care
- Acupuncture
- Massage therapy
- Education and information
- Physical therapy
Contact Doyle Chiropractic & Acupuncture Today
You deserve a pain-free life, and Dr. Doyle will work to ensure you have one. During a consultation, he can discuss treatment options, which may include some of the most innovative approaches to alternative medicine. Contact Doyle Chiropractic & Acupuncture online, or by dialing 817-767-5430.
5 Tips for Easing into a New Fitness Routine
Sometimes, new year’s resolutions may have a slow start (hey, we’re only human!). If you promised yourself that 2019 would be the year to get back in shape, there’s good news: you still have plenty of time! Any day, week, or month is a great time to begin healthier habits that can last for a lifetime. If it’s been a while since you worked out, starting a new fitness routine can come with some aches and pains as your body adjusts to a new activity. Luckily, your Trophy Club, TX chiropractor has tips to help you ease into your new routine, protect your body, and prevent discomfort that keeps you at home with a heating pad instead of out breaking a sweat.
We believe fitness is one important part of overall wellness: if you’re looking to achieve total wellness through drug-free, surgical-free alternative care, schedule a consultation with Trophy Club, TX chiropractor Dr. Cody Doyle. Dr. Doyle offers alternative treatment options such as acupuncture, chiropractic care and complementary therapies to help you achieve a healthier, happier quality of life. We can even accept payment from most HSA or FSA funds! Call our office at 817-767-5430 to schedule a consultation.
Don’t overdo it.
We know it’s hard to pace yourself when you are excited about getting back in to shape. When you’re ready for fast results, pushing yourself to the limit can seem like the quickest way to get there. But unfortunately, your body can’t easily go from zero to one hundred. When you go too far or too fast before proper conditioning, your body is more likely to experience injuries, pain, muscles soreness and fatigue. It’s also easier to give up on a work out program when you’re constantly dealing with pain — and your mind can experience that same burn-out, too! Take things slow, and know that each step, lift, or pedal is getting you closer to your goal.
Make it manageable.
When you start your new fitness routine, give yourself realistic goals that allow some flexibility –especially at first. A goal to work out five days a week sounds great, but when you have a stressful day at work or feel under the weather, you could become discouraged from missing your weekly goal. With fitness, it’s a good idea to set a goal that’s attainable but still requires persistence. Instead of five days a week, start with just two or three and build over time.
Flexibility is key.
You should combine both cardiovascular conditioning and strength training to create a well-rounded fitness routine. But the third key ingredient of every fitness plan? Stretching. It is just as important when considering your overall health, wellbeing and agility. Stretching can protect you from injury and improve your performance; Dr. Doyle regularly recommends at-home stretching exercises as part of our complementary therapies for patients to help heal and loosen up tight or sore muscles. Stretching is best performed at the end of your workout, when your muscles are warm and can stretch more easily.
Focus on form over speed.
Jogging, yoga, cycling, tennis—whatever activity you’ve taken up, learning proper form is the foundation for a successful fitness hobby. Not only will proper form prevent injuries or accidents, but it will allow you to build and improve your abilities over time.
Listen to your body and treat it well.
Exercise is a great way to improve your physical health and refresh your mental health. Don’t think of it as a “punishment,” but as a reward to help you live healthier and longer! To remain flexible and pain-free, schedule regular wellness appointments with Trophy Club, TX chiropractor, Dr. Cody Doyle. He helps athletes and fitness junkies get over injuries through myofascial release therapy, chiropractic adjustments, or complementary therapies that improve the body’s natural functions so it can heal itself quicker. He can help you take care of your body as you begin your new fitness journey, too.
If you are looking for holistic care from a knowledgeable and experienced care provider, call to schedule your consultation with Dr. Doyle. Serving the Trophy Club, TX area and beyond, Dr. Doyle can offer chiropractic, acupuncture, and other complementary therapies that improve your body’s natural alignment and functions, allowing faster healing and pain relief. Contact our office at 817-767-5430.
4 Common Causes of Arm Pain

Achy elbows, tight wrists, and skin irritations are just a few of a maladies that can get in the way of your tennis swing and day-to-day activities. Many of the causes of arm pain have treatment options available at Dr. Cody Doyle’s chiropractic care office in Roanoke, TX. To schedule an exploratory exam, contact Dr. Doyle at (817) 767-5430.
Common Causes of Arm Pain and Recommended Treatments
Arthritis, characterized by inflammation of the joints, afflicts tens of millions of Americans. The autoimmune disease commonly falls into two categories: degenerative and inflammatory. Degenerative arthritis, sometimes referred to as osteoarthritis, affects over 25 million Americans. The chronic joint condition is often associated with aging and can lead to pain, swelling, and stiffness in shoulders, elbows, wrists, and fingers. Inflammatory arthritis, also known as rheumatoid arthritis, is commonly associated with other forms of diseases, such as lupus and psoriatic arthritis, and can be debilitating in its advanced states.
Both forms of arthritis, while not curable, can be managed with medication and holistic methods like chiropractic care and acupuncture.
An article published by the Arthritis Foundation described the potential benefits of acupuncture for treating arthritis. In fact, over 50 percent of patients with osteoarthritis enjoy some benefit from acupuncture treatments. Best of all, there are no harmful side effects to acupuncture, unlike prescription pain medication.
Peripheral Neuropathy
Are you experiencing throbbing pain, tingling sensations, skin sensitivity, or other forms of pain?
The discomfort may be the result of peripheral neuropathy, a condition that affects the nervous systems of over 20 million people in the United States. The condition disrupts communication from the peripheral nerves to the central nervous system and to the rest of the body.
Dr. Doyle has over 20 years of experience reducing the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy. The pain may be the result of nutrient deficiencies or toxins. Detoxification may be one treatment option. Other remedies, depending on your diagnosis, may include premodulated muscle stimulation (strategic electrical stimulation), chiropractic care, ultrasound, or acupuncture. The staff at Doyle Chiropractic & Acupuncture will monitor your progress and recommend follow-up procedures as needed.
Tendinitis, or the inflammation of a tendon, can cause severe discomfort and pain as well as limiting arm movement. Tendinitis may be the result of an injury or repetition of a specific movement. Hence, many forms of tendinitis are euphemistically called “tennis elbow” or “pitcher’s shoulder.” The ailment can often be cured with physical therapy, pain treatments, and avoidance of repetitive movements. Dr. Doyle will be glad to diagnose and offer treatment options for this form of injury.
Misaligned Vertebrae
Bulging disks, misaligned vertebrae, and other causes of disk-related pain can cause a wide range of symptoms, including pain in the outer extremities. Fortunately, there are several treatment options for people suffering from spinal injuries.
The common spinal manipulation methods performed at Doyle Chiropractic & Acupuncture include: diversified method (hand-applied pressure), activator method (mechanical manipulation using handheld device), Thompson method (manual thrusts with drop table technique), and Gonstead Method (similar to diversified but using a variety of tables, positions, and manual thrusts).
Contact a Local Chiropractor in Roanoke, TX
Dr. Doyle has more than 20 years of experience diagnosing and treating arm pain. To schedule an exploratory exam, contact Dr. Doyle at (817) 767-5430 or visit our website to set up an initial appointment.
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